Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Sum of the Moments

The Sum of the Moments ...

I am one of those people who look far too long at what was on the road behind me, at what I could have done, at what I should have done and worst of all, what could have been. It's only after meticulously examining each step that I have taken that I am able to dust myself off to move forward on this path of life. The smallest reminder of the life left behind will turn my gaze to the rear-view mirror where the images of mistakes I have made, and the life I have lived, are looming in the shadows behind me ...

But my guardian angel knows what I see in my past and gently reminds me that the things in the mirror are not as they seem. Through my guardian's eyes, each of these moments gone by is simply a brush stroke being added to the canvas as the beautiful picture of my life is being painted by the One who knows how to use all those shadows to accentuate the Light. Each stroke has a purpose. Every experience I have had has led me to this very moment. The many bright and cheerful colors stand out against the dark and painful ones, and as I look though my angel's eyes, I am able to see all that has already painted on my canvas, even each stroke of the thing I wish I could forget ... are all coming together. This lifetime of memories behind me is forming the base for what is yet to come ...

As rainy season comes and I face the new seasons ahead, I stand before my future with my life laid out before it ... not looking for what is behind longing to go back anymore, but looking forward to see how it is going to use each of the strokes that make the painting, but the picture that evolves from them. And it is not individual moments of our lives that bring greatness, but the beauty comes from how the sum of the moments come together to reflect the greatness of our path.